prof. univ.dr. Ciurchea Decebal Radu- CP1 researcher – Nuclear Materials, Reactor Physics
prof.univ.dr. Pop V. Aurel –CP1 researcher - Nuclear Materials
dr. Glodeanu Florian –CP1 researcher - Nuclear Materials, E&T in Nuclear Sciences
prof.univ.dr. Mihail Ceclan –CP1 researcher - E&T in Nuclear Sciences
lect.dr. Tarsiche Irina Magdalena-CP2 researcher - radiochemistry
fiz. principal dr. Fulea Dan – CP2 researcher – dosimetry, health physics, software development
Guidance and advice in E&T in Nuclear Sciences.
Guidance and advice for participation of the Faculty and University in the national and
international platforms, networks, projects and clusters.
- Attracting and retaining students and junior scientists into the nuclear sciences;
- Coordination and collaboration on E&T policy and strategy in Romania and EU;
- European integration of junior scientist career development.
Guidance and advice for development of regional centers of E&T in nuclear sciences.
Guidance and advice for development of regional centers for Nuclear Accident
Emergency Preparadness and Response.
Development and maintenance of a dedicated software database.